Forthcoming Internet Sales Tax Benefits Consumers & Retailers
June 25, 2018
Let’s be honest, the advent of online e-commerce for mega-retailers like Amazon, Apple, EBay, and even Walmart has flourished beyond belief over the last two decades; while mom and pop shops and many brick and mortar stores have crumbled under the weight of enticing Internet deals, no real Internet sales tax system, and a lot of times free shipping. Well, as if to finally call the Internet a rogue player, the U.S. Supreme Court in a huge 5-to-4 ruling, basically gave those businesses that are most likely long since gone a reprieve by calling for the collection of sales tax – same as any other retailer would have to do.1
Essentially, what this ruling does is, it states: “Okay, guys, the jig is up. Your days of not paying point-of-purchase state taxes is over.”
The following details, allegations, and claims in the Wayfair vs. South Dakota sales tax case came from recent news reports:²
The over-riding positive impact this new sales tax surplus will supply is more money in each state’s coffers, so they’ll have more budget surplus on hand without having to raise taxes, hopefully.
Does your company need consultation about developing an Internet sales tax collection system? If so, contact the Denver Sales & Purchase Tax Counseling Attorney at Downey & Associates, PC. To schedule an appointment, call us today at 303-813-1111 or send us an e-mail.
1“The Supreme Court Decision That Will Put More Taxes on Internet Sales is Good News for You” published in Business Insider, June 2018.
2“What the Supreme Court’s Internet Sales Tax Ruling Says about the State of Retail” published in Forbes, June 2018.
Categories: Sales & Purchase Tax, Tax Appeals
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